


Numurkah Town Band FAQ’s
Q. Do you as individuals get paid for playing at events?
A. No. The members of the band are all volunteers.

Q. What does it cost to belong to the Numurkah Town Band?
A. We Pay a subscription of $25.00 per year.

Q. How long has the Numurkah Town Band been operating?
A. Since 1904.

Q.  When does the band practice?
A. Tuesday night at 7.30pm.

Q. Can anyone come to practice?
A. Yes, anyone is welcome to join us for practice.

Q. Is it OK if I just want to come in and listen to practice sessions?
A.  Yes, anyone is welcome to do that too.
Q. Do I have to have my own instrument to play in the band?
A. No, you are welcome to use an instrument that belongs to the band if an instrument is available as long as you are a full time playing member of the band.

Q. Can I learn to play a brass instrument or drums with the Numurkah Town Band.
A. Yes and we can offer lessons at very reasonable rates.

Q. Can I borrow an instrument to learn.
A. If you are a non-playing member and wish to use a band instrument we have some for hire at reasonable rates. To talk to us about this, click here to login to the visitors page and leave a message.
Q. How does the band get money to operate.
A. The Numurkah Town Band gets money from various sources.
Some are listed below:
            •Membership subscriptions (see above).
            •Donations from various organisations that we support by playing for them at their functions.
            •Donations from individuals.
            •Our own fund raising activities by playing at markets etcetera.
            •Local government grants.
            •Other government grants.
            •Sponsorship from businesses and individuals.


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